Biological Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

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biological data (coronary, brain and respiratory), radar, sound and infrared information information. Monitoring: equipment, process monitoring, manufacturing and management of scientific processes, military threats, vital functions of hospitalized patients, financial data in telemprer -drilled paper strips, industrial and governmental reports. Planning: Assets and Liabilities Management, portfolio management, credits and loans, contracts, workshop work program, project management, experiments planning, printed circuit card production. Smart interfaces: Hardware (fiscal) instrumentation, computer programs, multiple databases, control panels. Natural Language Systems: Interface with Databases in...

biological behavior (Sanmartín). Violence is aggressiveness, yes, but mainly altered aggressiveness, by the action of sociocultural factors that take away the automatic character and make it intentional and harmful behavior (Sanmartín).  The categorization of violence according to its manifestation can be: physical, psychological, sexual, by negligence and virtual. Physical violence is any act of force against the body of the individual that causes damage, pain or physical suffering and any other form of abuse or aggression that affects its physical integrity, whatever the means used and its consequences. According to the Ministry of Education, physical violence can be manifested through blows,...

biological studies, they are incorporated into a part of the animal's body under observation and theirroutes or customs.  conclusion In conclusion, drones have an objective and various uses depending on the area in which the person is, what you want to make and the utility that you create appropriate as long as it is for a good, people are benefiting more from technology every dayAnd this only indicates that it can create small advances and above all change the day to day, since more and more people are joined to obtain a drone, either by collecting, helping in something specific or by hobby, it depends only onwe know how to use it for a...

biological normality and certainty of being part of the other sex and, consequently, the desire for change of sex. We talk about transsexuality when there is a disagreement with biological sex, sometimes, this disagree is accompanied by the desire for a change through a surgical or hormonal treatment with the objective that their gender identity and anatomical sex are coincidental. However, when this is accompanied by the feeling of anguish, anxiety and discomfort, we talk about gender dysphoria, a term that arises in 1972 by Money and Ehrdhart. In 1974 Person and Ovesey, depending on the age at which it appears, difference between primary and secondary transsexuals, classification that is currently...

biological and reproductive cycles of all living beings, and because it also violates the millenary right of farmers to reproduce, store or exchange seeds (Rafi, 1999, 2001). It is an irreversible process. This concern is greater in megadiverse countries such as Colombia, which is the center of origin of much of agricultural biodiversity, there is the risk of genetically modified genes contamination of cultivated species towards wild relatives or local varieties. Likewise, it could happen with transgenic animals;For example: if the transgenic salmon that grows three times more than normal salmon is released in a river or lake, this salmon G.M. You can break the balance of the ecosystem trophic chain...

biological resources to develop producer and services. Biotechnology being so wide and applied in several different fields of studies is grouped by colors to facilitate its distinction. Red biotechnology: the one that focuses on health and would have a more health application. Blue Biotechnology: the one that focuses on marine environments. Yellow Biotechnology: The one that focuses on food. Green Biotechnology: This is plant biotechnology. Biotechnology also works with the bioinformatics dedicated to analyzing with different software the data obtained in the laboratory, this would serve to maintain the optimal conditions in which the microorganisms of which we would obtain our product of...