Anxiety Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

anxiety, isolation, distrust, feeling of not belonging, difficulties and fear of speaking in public, depression, among others (g., 2018). These acts not only have an emotional and intrinsic impact on infants and young people hindering their interactive processes, and creating feelings of insecurity when relating to others;It also affects performance in the school environment. “Within the educational institutions, complicated processes are released that act in minorities of minorities. Various investigations have provided evidence that indicates that the low performance of some ethnic minorities is linked to the procedures of these schools ”(G., 2018). So, these acts of racism help the student...

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anxiety and suicidal thoughts. Therefore, behavior change is also another. In summary, racial discrimination is a frequent behavior that still exists between Peruvians, which "is not normal" as the former landmark tells us. The Ministry of Culture mentions us that this act is normalizing, thanks to the fact that many people feel shame when making public the discrimination they suffered. INEI informs us with the surveys I do to publicize the reasons for this act, demonstrating alarming figures. Another contribution to discrimination is reflected in the parody "La Paisana Jacinta" that causes a repudiation to the Andean woman. We can also add the effects generated by racial...

anxiety disorder, duel, phobias, eating disorders, among other clinical applications. A field in which it has been used is to treat trauma and post -traumatic stress disorder (4). Psychological trauma is considered as the result of having been exposed to a stressful event of threatening characteristics, which can generate psychic discomfort in affected people. One of the most severe sequelae is posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that develops approximately 14% of cases, being more intense in traumatic situations produced by third parties such as war, terrorism, crime, sexual abuse, etc.  Developing. The PTSD is characterized by a constellation of symptoms after exposure to one or more...